Allergen Pillow Protectors
Allergen Pillow Protectors
Allergen Pillow Protectors

Allergen Pillow Protectors

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100% Polyester


COMPLETE ALLERGEN PROTECTION: If you wake up clogged, it could be allergens in your cushions. Our pad defenders offer total obstruction insurance, blocking dust parasites, pet dander and other regular family allergens.

ALLERGIST RECOMMENDED: Our pad spreads are intended to support hypersensitivity and asthma sufferers who are touchy to basic triggers. We join predominant filtration with waterproof security for a definitive in insurance.

Broaden PILLOW LIFE: Fully encasing your pad with a tough and agreeable zippered defender not just secures against family allergens, it expands the life of your cushion, keeping it new and clean.

PREMIUM QUALITY: These pad defenders have a 220 string check and are 100% polyester for a delicate, smooth look and feel. The best part is that they are silent.

Driving BRAND OF ALLERGEN BARRIER BEDDING: All items give characteristic hypersensitivity alleviation, are allergist prescribed, and have a 10-year restricted guarantee. Consumer loyalty is critical to us.